C-26, r. 90.1 - Letters patent constituting the Ordre professionnel des criminologues du Québec

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7. A person may obtain a permit issued by the board of directors of the Ordre professionnel des criminologues du Québec if, within 2 years following the date integration takes effect, the person completes a permit application in the form prescribed by the board of directors and demonstrates to the board of directors that he or she has the following training or experience:
(1)  a bachelor’s or master’s degree in criminology issued by the Université de Montréal or a bachelor’s degree in criminology issued by the University of Ottawa, including 540 hours or 12 credits of supervised training in clinical criminological intervention. A credit represents 45 hours of training or learning activities, spent in a classroom, a laboratory, a workshop, training or personal work;
(2)  a bachelor’s degree in criminology issued by the University of Ottawa before 1985 and 5 cumulative years of relevant work experience in clinical criminological intervention during which the person engaged in activities constituting the practice of the profession of criminologist with clients. Such activities include evaluating, planning or implementing a criminological intervention plan and communicating recommendations and the results of evaluations.
O.C. 639-2015, s. 7.